<> 之经典台词-寻找信仰


Man are haunted by the vastness of eternity.

And so we ask ourselves:

Will our actions echo across the centuries?

Will strangers hear ours names long after we’re gone and wonder who we were?

How bravely we fought! How fiecely we loved!



All my life,I’ve lived by a code.

And the code is simple:

Honor the gods,love your woman and defend your country.

Troy is mother to us all.

Fight for her!


Myrmidons,my brothers of the sword.

I’d rather fight beside you than any army of thousands.

Let no man forget how menacing we are.

We are lions!

Do you know what’s there,waiting,beyond that beach?

Immortality! Take it! It’s yours!


You think you know something about love.

What about your father’s love?

You spat on him when you brought her on this ship!

What about the love for your country?

You’d let Troy burn for this woman?


Oh,and that sounds heroic to you,doesn’t it?To die fighting.

Tell me,little brother,have you ever killed a man?

Ever seen a man die in combat?

I’ve killed man,and I’ve heard them dying.

And I’ve watched them dying.

And there’s nothing glorious about it.Nothing poetic.

You say you want to die for love.

But you know nothing about dying.

And you know nothing about love!


H:I’ve seen this moment in my dreams.

I’ll make a pact with you.

With the gods as our witnesses,

let us pledge that the winner will allow the loser all the proper funeral


A: There are no pacts between lions and men.

Now you know who you’re fighting.

H: I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday.

And I wish it had been you.

But I gaved the dead boy the honor he deserved.

A: You gave him the honor of your sword.

You won’t have eyes tonight.

You won’t have ears or a tongue.

You’ll wander the underworld,blind,deaf,and dump,and all the dead will


This is Hector,the fool who thought he killed Achilles.


Soldiers of Troy!

You men are warriors.

To lead you has been my honor!

The boatman waits for us.

I say we make him wait a little longer!


If they ever tell my story,

let them say I walked with giants.

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat,

but these names will never die.

Let them say I lived in the time of Hector,tamer of horses.

Let them say I lived in the time of Achilles …

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